Protect Your Online Original Contents from Thefts in 2025

Website owners may learn tricks in 2024 to protect their online original copyrighted contents, images and videos by disable view source, copy and right click.


You can protect your online content in 2025. Actually no one can prevent their original contents from being theft but however, they can try to safeguard their original online contents from those who usually copies contents from original source without its owner permission.

Whether you are Author, Artist or Photographer, there are so many ways to protect the online original contents of your websites or blogs. Today will discuss most effective tricks and tips which will help you to guard your site from copy masters and spammers without spending money and lots of time.

First of all you should always keep in mind that whatever you create is automatically copyrighted to you and there is no need to be officially register your contents for copyright with any government office. However, you need some security measures to protect your precious content.

Protect your Copyrighted Contents

A) Use Copyright Symbol:

You should have a copyright symbol in each webpage of your site or blog. This will alert the users of your site that the contents they are reading is copyrighted to this particular site and therefore they may not steal it without your permission.

Further, you may warn stealers by displaying a message like All Rights Reserve along with republication policy.

All Rights Reserve. No part of the contents available on (Your site URL Link or Name) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior permission, in writing, from the Showeblogin (Replace it with your website Name).

Additionally you may also include a copyright symbol in any materials downloaded from your webpages including PDF or word documents.

B) Limit Feed Contents:

Generally, many bloggers and site owners allows full contents into their RSS feeds and therefore anyone can copy the contents easily from published feed contents. Those readers who have subscribed your site newsletter they gets full contents into their inbox directly without visiting your blog/site.

Therefore, I recommend all of you to limit your feed contents to the introduction level like 75-125 words. Bloggers may enable Jump break to deliver only snippets or excerpts of blog posts. This technique also helps to increase your site visits and AdSense earnings by boosting impressions.

C) Secure Downloaded Files:

Many website owners provide soft copy of their resources including articles, blog posts etc. in a word or PDF documents. You should secure all downloaded files from your webpages so that users of your site requires your permissions before they copy and print your files.

D) Disable Selection and Right Clicks:

There is another way to protect your site contents by using JavaScript and CSS codes. Just copy and paste these codes into your either single webpage or website/blog template.

Following are the JavaScript Codes which will disable selection as well as the right clicks with a message box appears when someone right click on webpage:

<script type="text/javascript">
//Provided by Showeblogin at
document.oncontextmenu=new Function("return false")
function disableselect(e)
return false
function reEnable()
return true
document.onselectstart=new Function ("return false")
if (window.sidebar)
function clickIE()
if (document.all)
return false;
var message ="All Rights Reserved.";
function rtclickcheck(keyp){
if (navigator.appName == "Netscape" && keyp.which == 3){
alert(message); return false;
if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE") != -1 && event.button == 2) {
return false; }
document.onmousedown = rtclickcheck;

You may change the message (Line 26) as you like to be appear after your webpage contents readers right clicks like “All Rights Reserve.” Or “Contact Us for Help.” Or “You are not permitted.” Or “Function Disabled!” Or “Not Allowed without Permission.” Or “Ask Your Query at”. However, please note that your message should not be so lengthy.

Following are the CSS codes which will disable the text selection of your site.

body {
-webkit-touch-callout: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
-khtml-user-select: none;
-moz-user-select: none;
-ms-user-select: none;
-o-user-select: none;
user-select: none;

E) Internal Links:

You may link your site’s other related posts in the contents of your articles so that whenever someone copy and paste your contents then the links to your site will automatically take their visitors to your site. In other words, you may inter link each and every posts of your site. This tips also good for internal linking SEO.

F) Watermark on Images:

You may create a watermark on your own images so that no one can claim it as their own. If you are not able to create watermark then I will help you to create watermark in any type of your photos you are uploaded on your site.

G) Google Authorship:

This is also a very good idea to display yourself as an author of your original contents in Google search results. As a result of which you may prove the content is yours in a easy manner and the stolen contents can be removed immediately from copy masters site after filing a DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) complaint. I will help you to enable Google Authorship for your site contents.

H) Other Resources:

yes! Instead of above all you may also use other resources provided by various sites viz.,,,,, etc.

What next after Thefts of not protected Content?

The most easiest way to find out whether anyone have stolen your site contents is to search some of original words/sentences within commas in Google Search Engine.

The first and foremost step after the theft is to contact thestealers by whatever means you get viz. Email, Phone, Contact Us page, Address etc. and tell them to either remove your original contents from their sites or give credit through backlinks to your blog or site.

However, if site owners of duplicated or stolen contents are not entertaining you then contact their Domain registrar and Hosting company and request to take action against them.

If your content is taken per the United States DMCA, you may submit a claim to Google. It’s fairly quick to complete.

Thus, please use your own knowledge, skills, experience and expertise to create and write original contents and in any case if you want to republish contents on your site or blog from another author then never forget to give a credit to them for their hard work.