Month: January 2024
Offer to get Free 2GB Extra Google Drive Storage Permanently
in InternetThis is an opportunity to get 2 gigabyte bump in your Google Drive storage plan by completing a simple Security Checkup to protect your Google Account.
Count Character Online using Free Tool
in BloggingText calculator to count characters with space for webpage Titles, Meta Tag descriptions for SEO, AdSense, Facebook messaging, Tweets on Twitter, SMS.
Best Smartphone Operating System – Android or Apple iOS
in InternetKnow the features and worldwide demand along with market price of top Smartphone Operating System and choose best mobile for your daily life activities.
How to Install Twitter Summary Cards in WordPress
in BloggingProcess for manual installation of Twitter Summary Cards Meta Tags in WordPress blogs without using any plugin and increase social traffic from each tweet.
How to Add Twitter Summary Cards to Your Blogger Blogs
in BloggingKnow the best practice to install/ add Twitter Summary Cars Meta Tags with large image and drive engagement/traffic to your blogger blogs from Tweets.
Best practice to insert custom JavaScript files to Blogger Blogs
in BloggingYou may easily insert any custom JavaScript codes/ files into your blogger blogs templates, widgets/ gadgets, posts and static pages etc.
JesResKing – A Responsive Blogger Template
in TemplatesJesResKing is a free responsive blogger blog template which adapts all screen resolutions and device sizes. We help you free of cost to customise it.
How to Change the Title and URL of Your Blogger Blog
in BloggingYou may rename existing blogger blog and also change the address of your blog at any point of time without creating a new blog with different URL.