JesResKing – A Responsive Blogger Template

JesResKing is a free responsive blogger blog template which adapts all screen resolutions and device sizes. We help you free of cost to customise it.


Now-a-days, the digital world will kill your blog as well as dissipate your website visitors if your blog or website template/ theme are not responsive and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) friendly.

JesResKing, a responsive blogger template, is designed in a way to fit in every device your visitors/ clients/ customers will use. In other words, if you will use JesResKing then your blogger blog layout will adapts in accordance with the devices like viz. Mobiles, iPads, Smart Phones, Tablets, Laptops and Desktops etc.

Some silent features of JesResKing, a Responsive Blogger Template:

1) Responsive Blogger Template:

This blogger blog theme will supports all dimensions ranging from small size (240×320) screen resolution to Full HD supported large screen (1920×1080) resolutions of your visitors’ monitors. Accordingly, this blogger template does not require the BlogSpot default mobile themes. Therefore, you can disable the default option given by blogger to choose mobile templates. Our template is customized in a manner so that it would automatically appear just perfect on your blog visitors mobile and they will enjoy browsing your site and come back again as it would bring a lot of perks to them.

2) SEO friendly Theme:

In this dynamic and competitive world of technology all blog cum website owners want the way to rank top in search engine ranking so that the content of their site would appear first in search results.

Thus, we always try to give our best on developing themes as JesResKing so that they get highest ranking in top search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, Ask etc.

3) Fast and optimized:

In spite of having rich and informative content, no one can return your blog if they have to wait long time to see the full page of your site. Hence, considering this fact we have just endeavour to design this blogger template with the help of latest HTML5 and CSS3 enabled tricks which lead to higher visitor engagement, retention, and conversions into your client as well.

4) Dynamic Main Menu:

We called it dynamic because you can link any webpage address within it and give a title as you wish. Consequently, you may either link your blog posts, pages and labels or provide a link to any other website/blog page links.

4) Two Column Header:

The header of JesResKing has been divided into 2 column so that you can easily add Google AdSense or any other Advertiser’s Ad banner in addition to other widgets like Notifications, site descriptions and lots of more as you think fit for your blogger weblog.

5) Two Column Sidebar:

We have made it possible to give a way to show lots of widget contents (Popular posts, recent articles, newsletter subscription boxes, social media profiles and Google+ Badge etc.) in left as well as right side of your BlogSpot blog post.

6) Four Column Footer:

Yes, it’s true dear. You can enlarge upto 4 column in JesResKing footer. Thus, it’s all about your perception that which and how many gadgets you would like to add in your blog footer.

7) Next and Previous Post Title:

As a result of this feature your blog visitors can easily navigate the old (Previous) post as well as the new (Next) post just after reading the current blog post. This is because we have replaced the all default buttons viz. Newer Post, Home and Older Post with the title of each post respectively.

8) Beatified Comment Box:

We got lots of request to transform the blogger comment box so that it looks better and bound the visitors to comment and ask their queries. Accordingly, we have not only in-wrought the comment system by adding button but also set the automatic numbering for blogger threaded comments and post comment reply.

8) Social Sharing buttons:

As we know that without connection with social media you never achieve your goal in internet business world. Thus, we have added a simple but most effective Google, Facebook,Twitter and Email post share buttons at the end of each blog post.

9) Newsletter Subscription Box:

This subscription box will help your blog users to get latest posts into their mail box immediately after publishing your each new articles every day. However, you have to do a simple step i.e. visit and claim your feed free of cost.

Oh my God! Its’ not possible to plot all features we have added into JesResKing – A Responsive Blogger Template. For live demo you can see which has been using this theme since 2012.

If you are using this template then please share your experience with us so that we can take care of each and every your request, feedbacks and suggestions as early as possible.

Download JesResKing

How to Install or use JesResKing (A Free Blogger Theme)

Step 1:

Login or Sign in to your blogger blog home page ( where you will see the list of your all blogs. Select/ click on the name of the blog you want to change template.

Step 2:

Right now you are on the Overview tab of your blog where the pageviews and updates displays. Click on the Template tab you will see on the left side.

Step 3:

Once on the Template tab, click on the gray Backup/ Restore button at the top right corner just before blogger options.

Step 4:

Before uploading JesResKing, please save a copy of your existing/old template first i.e. download full template on the safe side.

Step 5: 

Now, finally click on choose file button and select the XML file (JesResKing) from the unzipped folder of downloaded JesResKing Template. After installation you will see a message at the top as uploaded successfully.

NOTE: You may however, simply open the XML file (downloaded) and copy all codes contained therein and then paste directly into your blog HTML source.

Preliminary steps immediately after installation of JesResKing

How to Edit – Preliminary Steps

NOTE: We can customize JesResKing in accordance with your need at free of cost or asking for reasonable fee in case of more customization depending on whether you are first time customer or existing one. So, don’t hesitate and let us spice up the layout of your blog in accordance with your choice.

Buy JesResKing for Lifetime use in your Blogger Blog

After successful payment, you will get JesResKing – A Responsive Blogger Template. There will be no Footer back links to Showeblogin. Additionally, you will be provided free installation and optimizations service with personal touch along with 5 Days Free AdSpace on Showeblogin. You may Contact Us for any further clarifications.