Install Showeblogin Social Page Plugin widget in WordPress

Brings the power of simplicity to display or embed Facebook Page Plugin (Like Box) widgets into your WordPress website by using latest Graph API v2.3.


It was very difficult to rectify the errors in third party WordPress theme used by one of my client. I devoted my almost an hour to get his theme back which was suddenly stopped functioning due to a Facebook Like Box widget associated with his WordPress theme. As you all know that every Sunday, I make the necessary changes into my client’s WordPress/Blogger theme/template in accordance with the latest updates.

After this event, I thought that if this could be a plugin then it might be better than changing codes of a whole WordPress theme. Accordingly, I developed a brand new Showeblogin Facebook Page plugin for my all customers as well as all live visitors of my site. This is my first WordPress Plugin.

Did you know? Facebook Like Box plugin is deprecated and all Facebook Like Box plugin implementation has been automatically fall back to the Page Plugin with effect from 23rd June, 2015.

You can’t ignore the power of more than 1.59 billion monthly active users on Facebook. So, its time to promote your websites on Facebook and increase your site users on social media. Facebook like box is one of the most important part of social optimization.

The Showeblogin Facebook Page Plugin is a special version of Facebook Like box created with HTML5 Attribute and designed only for Facebook Pages. It allows WordPress site owners to promote their Facebook Pages and embed a simple feed of content from a Page into websites by inserting widget in the sidebar or footer.

This plugin works with the responsive, fluid and static layouts and lets you easily embed and promote any Facebook Page on your WordPress website. With the help of this plugin, your live visitors can like, comment and share all your Facebook posts in addition to liking and sharing your Facebook Page to their friends without having to leave your site. Additionally, you may also create call to action button next to like button in your Facebook page like box.

Following are the unique features of Showeblogin Facebook Page Plugin:-

  • Show/Hide Small Header.
  • Adapt to plugin container width.
  • Show FB Like box for any Facebook Page.
  • Show/Hide Facebook page Header Cover Photo.
  • Show/Hide latest posts from Facebook Page’s timeline.
  • Show/Hide the custom call to action button (if available).
  • Change the width and height in accordance with your website.
  • It is 100% forever FREE plugin i.e. you never have to pay for it.
  • Use shortcode to show Facebook Page Likebox anywhere in your site.
  • Show/Hide Facebook profile photos when friends like your facebook page.
  • Add Facebook page Plugin to any widget area of sites with custom features.
  • Select your preferred language (Default is English) for Facebook Page Likebox.
  • Add Multiple Tabs to render i.e. timeline, events, messages:
    • Timeline Tab: This feature will show the most recent posts of your Facebook Page timeline.
    • Events Tab: People can follow your page events and subscribe to events from the plugin.
    • Messages Tab: This feature enable your site visitor to message your page directly from your website.

How to install Showeblogin Social Page Plugin

The installation process depends on the route you choose to install Showeblogin Facebook Page Plugin. Before, following any method mentioned below, just download the Showeblogin Facebook Page Plugin in .zip format.

Download Plugin

You may also download the latest updated version (Current 3.0) of this plugin from the Official WordPress Plugins Repository approved on the very next day of its initial release date i.e. on Tuesday, 12 May, 2015.

First Method:

In this method you can install our plugin from your WordPress site Dashboard. To do that follow these simple steps.

Step-1: Go to the “Plugins” menu (left sidebar) in your WordPress site and click “Add New” link.

Step-2: Now click on Upload Plugin button.

Step-3: In the open window, click on Choose File button and upload (Install Now) the zip file you have downloaded from the above link.

After successful installation, you will see the following screen.

Plugin Installed

Step-4: Click on Activate Plugin. After activation, you will be redirected to the Plugin menu where you will see the installed “Showeblogin Facebook Page Plugin”.

Activate Likebox

Step-5: Visit the widget section of your theme from Appearance sidebar menu. You will notice a new widget (Facebook Page Like Box) appears in the available widget section.

To activate Showeblogin Facebook Page Plugin, widget drag it to a sidebar or click on it. If you want to deactivate the widget and delete its settings, just drag it back.

Activate Social Page Plugin

Finally, customize the plugin according to your needs and Enjoy!

Customize Like Box

Second Method:

In this method you can install our plugin by uploading files to the server directly. To do this, please follow these simple steps.

Step-1: Download the latest version (above link) of Showeblogin Facebook Page Plugin zip file.

Step-2: Unzip or Extract the plugin files.

Step-3: Upload the entire folder named showeblogin-facebook-page-plugin into your server under plugin folder (/wp-content/plugins).

Step-4: Now, login to your WordPress site and activate the Showeblogin Facebook Page Plugin and Enjoy!

Note: This is my first WordPress plugin and therefore I am very excited to know whether it works for you and your WordPress sites. Feel free to give your precious feedback and suggestions (if any) through comment below.